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07th February 2025 
Qualifications. Sarah 2022 glasses


I have a Diploma in Biodynamic Psychotherapy from the London School of Biodynamic Psychotherapy, and am an accredited member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP). I have a Diploma in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy from Resonance Trainings. I am also qualified in Biodynamic massage (LSBP)

I initially trained and worked as a Registered General Nurse for ten years. Whilst nursing, I specialised in cardiac care, and began to feel frustrated that I was unable to spend more time supporting my patient's emotional and psychological well being during these times of acute crisis, such was the pressure to perform (admittedly essential) routine nursing duties.
This led me to begin an honours degree in Psychology. Whilst studying for my degree I began personal Biodynamic psychotherapy. I had become aware there were issues from my past which were challenging me and I felt a supportive psychotherapy process could help. I was instinctively drawn to the body approach, and experienced it as a gradual and transformative path to deep organic healing. I have been involved in Biodynamic psychotherapy ever since that time, first as a client, then later through my training twenty years ago as a psychotherapist. I was involved for five years in providing the Psychotherapy Diploma training programme at LSBP, and am now training as a Supervisor for other psychotherapists.

I have a particular interest in supporting my clients in their intimate partnerships and the inevitable challenges that arise within these.

I have specialist experience in longterm work with people suffering from the effects of complex PTSD and other forms of trauma. The ability of biodynamic therapy to understand and reach non verbal aspects of our development makes it particularly suited to working with early relational wounding.

I also have a strong understanding of working with serious health issues. This arises partly due to my nursing background, but particularly from having experienced my own health crisis in recent years. I know how such crisis offers opportunities to deepen our relationship to ourselves as well as discovering the inner strength we need to call upon at such times.

My other current professional interests include a love of dance and particularly the 'Soul Motion' approach. I see how spontaneous organic movement in the body originating from an attentive presence can be a powerful way to reconnect with ourselves.
I am also deeply immersed in exploring the Gene Keys as a contemplative spiritual path. I am inspired by the symbolic power of mythology, astrology, and dream work, and other forms of creativity, such as using imagery and drawing in psychotherapy.